"The Dude" is only plugged in to save Rock&Roll


“I used to be with ‘it’, but then they changed what ‘it’ was. Now what I’m with isn’t ‘it’ anymore and what’s ‘it’ seems weird and scary. It’ll happen to you!”
Abe Simpson

Oh boy... I just feel like the whole world is out of my league.
I just feel so out of touch with reality.
How everything has changed, and it's continuing to change.
How much AI has been growing and how much it changes everything.

I've been experiencing panic attacks again...
It's something I didn't miss honestly.
Out of nowhere, I feel a shortess of breath and I feel scared.
I just want to be held and hear how "it's going to be ok",
I think the loneliness it's just punching me now.
I've been going on for some walks at night,
and trying to make some sense of the way I've been feeling,
but I've noticed how I just end up going in circles again.
I've felt lost before, but this is different.

I can't focus.
I've been having trouble getting back into my life again.
For some weird reason I can't find something to hold on to.
I mean, I continue to do my shit, but I just feel off.
Something hasn't been clicking lately.

I was talking to my [REDACTED] about how I've been...
But I feel so out of touch with my "passions",
and being into depression alley again scares me so much.

How I've been temped to write to some people.
But in the end I don't write anything, because deep down I know, how that dear person I knew it's gone for good.

Only God knows how much I miss them,
and how much I miss the good old days.

Listening: "Si Yo No Te Tengo A Ti"
By Hombres G
